Trip Mom

Life, travel, and everything in-between

Our latest adventures...

Volcano Erupting! This is Not a Drill!

Volcano Erupting! This is Not a Drill!

Our last day on the Big Island was intended to be chill. We were going to find a nearby beach to just lay down in the sand and read, watch the surfers, and relax! The previous day had been a BIG ONE and we got home late after watching the stars on top of Mauna Kea. So...

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Green Sea Turtles & Volcano Sunsets

Green Sea Turtles & Volcano Sunsets

The original plan was to have us touring the northern tip of the Big Island, hiking and using binoculars to try to see whales off the coast. But….driving through that area the night before felt good. As in, we did it! 🙂 We didn’t really see too much that we wanted to...

A Day in Hilo, Hawaii

A Day in Hilo, Hawaii

This morning we woke up bright and early to make the two hour drive across the Big Island to Hilo. We took Saddle Road which featured stunning views of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. The landscape changed from green and tropical into a Mars-like area with just open spaces...

Two-Step Beach and Manta Rays

Two-Step Beach and Manta Rays

Monday morning we slept in a little and recovered from our huge day yesterday at Volcanos National Park. We knew that we had scheduled an evening swim with manta rays tonight, so the goal for the day was to snorkel closer to our home base and enjoy the Kona area....

Volcanos National Park

Volcanos National Park

We’d originally planned on touring Volcanos National Park on our first full day on the Big Island, but when Mount Kilauea stopped erupting days before we arrived, we bumped the park to our second full day so we’d have time to recover from traveling and the time...

Exploring Kona and Jumping Waves

Exploring Kona and Jumping Waves

We woke up and packed all of our beach and snorkel gear to prep for the morning. I was smart enough to pack a big beach bag and a soft cooler in my bag, and the ice packs we bought at Walmart were frozen and ready to go! We were originally going to make this a Volcano...

Getting There is Half the Fun…

Getting There is Half the Fun…

The travel day to Hawaii from Florida is a long one! We had a nice layover in Denver where we thankfully had no snow delays and were able to get some good food! Surprisingly, the long flight (7.5 hours) from Denver to Kona featured airplane seats without tv screens!!...